2024 Summer Camp Registration

Municipal Assessment Agency Visits

The Municipal Assessment Agency (MAA) will be assessing properties in the Town in accordance with provincial requirements to assess all properties (land and buildings) within the Town. Property owners are required to provide any information required by the assessor for the purposes of assessing property.

The additional assessments are part of an effort by the Town to better perform its provincially mandated duties. Assessments may be conducted on new developments and previously unlisted properties/constructions (such as informal cabins and undisclosed sheds/improvements).

If you believe you own land that is not registered and not being assessed, please let Town staff know so that we can register your information and ownership.

In addition to planning requirements to obtain permission from the Town for all works (renovations, new constructions, etc.), residents are also required to notify the Town when such works are completed so that they may be assessed by MAA.